Lögmannalisti - Málaflokkar

Social security law

General pracitce

child welfare laws, child welfare case

Building and planning codes

Financial managment/investmenst

EC law

Leasing/Financial law

Telecommunicatin law

Maritime and transport law

Arbitration agreement law

Debt collection

Sports law

Agricultrual law

Purchase of movable property

Legal capacity, declared legally disable

Human rights

Consumers right

Public Procurement

Protection of individual rights

Competitiion law

Contracts and sales law

European Economic Area



Law on torts/personal injury

Tax law

Constitutional law

Administrative law

Municipal law

Insurance law


Construction law

Labour law

Athugið að lögmenn skrá sjálfir sérhæfingu sína á listann og bera ábyrgð á þeim upplýsingum sem þar koma fram

Advanced education Composition



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